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Career Guidance

BR Academy Career Guidance Service, provides a systematic process of assisting individuals in understanding themselves and the world of work in order to make informed career decisions. Our service encompasses a range of activities, including self-assessment, exploring career options, understanding educational requirements, and planning career paths. Career guidance can be delivered through counselling, workshops, and informational resources.  We provide higher secondary students with career coaching to help them investigate their alternatives, make wise decisions, and start rewarding career tracks that are in line with their goals and interests. Here, we evaluate skills and interests We also give individualized career counseling on the possible career paths, as well as the trends and other guidelines for career development. They can choose the appropriate courses that will advance their careers by being self-aware. Students from classes IX to XII can choose a stream arts, science, or commerce and study with a purpose by participating in our career workshop. 

Our career guidance service aims to provide an essential component of the higher education decision-making process. It empowers students with the knowledge and confidence needed to make choices that align with their personal strengths, career aspirations, and market demands. By providing support and valuable insights, our career guidance service ensures that students embark on educational paths that lead to rewarding and successful careers. The role of career guidance in higher education is indispensable. We aim not just to aid in the selection of appropriate courses but also to foster essential skills and knowledge that contribute to successful career outcomes. We prioritize career guidance services to ensure that students are well-prepared to navigate their future professional lives effectively.

Importance of Career Guidance

  • Privacy Settings and Safety
  • Informed Decision-Making
  • Aligning Education with Career Goals
  • Skill Development
  • Avoiding Common Pitfalls
  • Exploring Opportunities
  • Building a Career Plan
  • Lifelong Learning

The role of career guidance in higher education is indispensable. We aim not just to aid in the selection of appropriate courses but also to foster essential skills and knowledge that contribute to successful career outcomes.

Self Management

SELF MANAGEMENT enables students to take charge of their ideas and emotions, inspire themselves, handle stress, and strive toward reaching their academic and personal objectives.This program gives students useful methods to deal with workload issues, encourage work/life balance, and build resilience. We deliver self-management techniques that helps control feelings, ideas, and actions in a variety of contexts.Proficiency in self-regulation facilitates students in bridging the gaps between aspirations and achievement.Students who receive this instruction from educators gain the ability to maintain composure under pressure and forge strong bonds with others around them.Our skilled trainers will guide participants in cultivating and incorporating the greatest principles that will help them succeed both personally and professionally.

Public Speaking

This ability enhances confidence, improves communication, and develops critical thinking. Public speaking prepares students for academic presentations, future careers, and leadership roles. It helps them articulate ideas clearly, engage audiences effectively, and build persuasive arguments.By mastering this skill early, students gain a valuable edge in personal and professional interactions throughout their lives.Effective public speaking is a valuable skill that can open doors throughout the academic and professional life.Whether presenting to classmates, pitching ideas, or addressing large audiences, the ability to communicate clearly and confidently is essential.

Through practice, feedback, and supportive coaching, students will learn to:

  • Organize the thoughts logically
  • Engage the audience with compelling content
  • Use body language to enhance the message
  • Manage nervousness and speak with confidence

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage our own emotions, as well as recognize and respond to the emotions of others. For students, developing emotional intelligence can be just as important as academic skills. It helps to:

  • Handle stress better during exams and challenging assignments
  • Communicate more effectively with teachers and classmates
  • Resolve conflicts peacefully
  • Build stronger friendships
  • Understand your feelings and motivations

By practicing self-awareness, empathy, and emotional regulation  ,students can improve their emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is just as crucial as academic achievement. It  involves recognizing, understanding, and managing own emotions, as well as empathizing By fostering these skills, we help students build stronger relationships, navigate challenges with resilience, and create a positive and inclusive school environment.

Parent Guidance

A Special Session for Parents by BR Academy

Join us for an essential guidance session on ensuring your children’s safety in the digital world

What We Cover:

  • Understanding online risks
  • Effective monitoring tools and apps
  • Cyberbullying prevention
  • Screen time management strategies
  • Age-appropriate content filtering
  • Building open communication about Internet use

Why Attend:

  • Learn from digital safety experts
  • Discover practical parental supervision techniques
  • Stay informed about the latest online trends
  • Network with other concerned parents
  • Gain confidence in guiding your child’s online digital experiences

Social Media Awareness

Our Program

  1. Girls’ Session:
    • Cyberbullying prevention
    • Dealing with body image pressures
    • Recognizing and reporting online harassment
    • Building a positive digital footprint
  2. Boys’ Session:
    • Responsible posting and sharing
    • Understanding digital footprints
    • Avoiding toxic online behaviors
    • Promoting respectful digital communication

Both sessions cover:

  • Privacy settings and online safety
  • Healthy screen time management
  • Critical thinking in the digital age
  • Leveraging social media for personal growth
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